Abstract |
Plenaria: "¿Qué es LAMS y como funciona?"
(Plenary 1 - "An Overview of LAMS")
Ernie Ghiglione, MELCOE, Australia
Plenaria: "Lo que LAMS no es"
(Plenary 2 - "LAMS and other e-Learning Systems")
Ernie Ghiglione, MELCOE, Australia |
Luces y sombras de LAMS en la evaluación del aprendizaje universitario
(Advantages and Disadvantages of using LAMS in University Learning evaluation)
Maria Soledad Ibarra Sáiz, Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez & Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
Las universidades europeas afrontan importantes cambios estructurales y metodológicos como consecuencia de la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La evaluación de las competencias del alumnado universitario con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías abre un nuevo campo fascinante en la investigación educativa. El estudio que presentamos tiene como objetivo fundamental describir y analizar las luces y sombras que ofrece LAMS en la modelización de procedimientos de evaluación de competencias en el contexto de las enseñanzas universitarias que se imparten con carácter semipresencial (b-learning).
Para ilustrar estas luces y sombras presentaremos un ejemplo concreto de procedimiento de evaluación y modelización del mismo, que ha servido para analizar la utilidad de LAMS en esta tarea. Como resultado nos encontramos con una “unidad de evaluación” en formato LAMS, reutilizable por parte de otros profesores interesados.
En este trabajo ofrecemos algunas de las potencialidades de LAMS y algunas mejoras, entre las cuales cabe destacar la integración de la herramienta EvalCOMIX, lo que permitiría una mayor utilidad y facilidad en el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje.
Advantages and Disadvantages of using LAMS in University Learning evaluation
In this work we are presenting the advantages and disadvantages of using LAMS in evaluation processes in a university b-learning environment. To do so, we have implement and test a re-useable LAMS “evaluation unit” |
Gestión de las adaptaciones curriculares del aprendizaje en destrezas en entornos de simulación y virtuales
(Management of curricula adaptations of learning skills in simulation and virtual environments)
Marco A. Márquez Sánchez, Alejandro Márquez Vázquez & Enrique Montero Montero
En esta comunicación exponemos la utilización de recursos de Gestión del Aprendizaje Colaborativo en los Círculos de Innovación y Tecnología-FUECA de la Universidad de Cádiz, grupo integrado como Academia Regional en la Red Académica de Cisco (CNAP). Este grupo lo constituyen dos universidades y una veintena de IES de Andalucía.
Nuestra misión es formar y actualizar al profesorado, así como prestar apoyo didáctico en las adaptaciones curriculares de los contenidos formativos. El campo de conocimientos es el propio de las TIC, especialmente los más demandados.
En la formación en redes de comunicaciones utilizamos los recursos de gestión del aprendizaje. Nuestra formación utiliza un modelo didáctico centrado en los alumnos y dirigido por instructores.
Las razones que nos llevaron desarrollar este recurso para la adaptación curricular son:
a) Utilizar métodos online de aprendizaje y evaluación de contenidos, así como simuladores y laboratorios para aprendizaje en destrezas, objetivo final de la formación. Un porcentaje elevado de contenidos, propuestas prácticas, y escenarios están en forma electrónica.
b) Nuestra tendencia actual es facilitar el uso de los laboratorios físicos de forma virtual, permitiendo la realización de actividades prácticas de forma online.
c) Este modelo de enseñanza ha de aplicarse en ámbitos tan heterogéneos como el universitario, ciclos formativos de grado superior y medio, actualización profesionales, postgraduados y enseñanza ocupacional.
El profesor dispone de un conjunto ingente de recursos didácticos en soportes informáticos y accesibles de forma online que debe adaptar a las características del alumno, y es ahí donde el uso de este tipo de gestores facilita la creación de trayectorias de aprendizajes adaptada a las particularidades del curso.
Management of curricula adaptations of learning skills in simulation and virtual environments
In this work we present the resources used in Collaborative Learning Management. Our goal is to educate teachers in ICT as well as to offer didactic support in curricula adaptations. |
Propuesta de integración de LAMS en el marco conceptual del espacio de aprendizaje socio-constructivista E-Ling
(A LAMS integration proposal in the conceptual frame of the socio-constructivist learning environment E-Ling)
Covadonga López Alonso, Elena de Miguel & Ana Fernández-Pampillón, Lingüística General, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
En este trabajo se propone la incorporación de LAMS a un LMS para mejorar el control del espacio virtual de aprendizaje de carácter socio-constructivista E-Ling. Este nuevo espacio tiene como objetivo desarrollar la competencia de ‘aprender a investigar’ como base para otros aprendizajes en educación superior. Esta propuesta de integración de distintos tipos de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (VLE) se explica dentro de un marco conceptual de referencia que admite analizar y definir las aportaciones de otros modelos y herramientas diferentes. En este trabajo planteamos la hipótesis de que con LAMS se podrá definir, construir y utilizar con más precisión escenarios de aprendizaje de tipo instruccional. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser contrastados con trabajos anteriores que miden la rentabilidad de un diseño de aprendizaje aplicado a dos escenarios diferentes: 1) presencial, 2) virtual sobre un LMS. En consecuencia, planteamos crear, utilizar y evaluar la rentabilidad de un nuevo espacio de aprendizaje que integre las funciones de gestión de cursos de carácter general de un LMS, con funciones más específicas de creación de escenarios de aprendizaje en línea, su ejecución con profesores y alumnos, y el control de la evolución del aprendizaje en un sistema gestor de actividades.
A LAMS integration proposal in the conceptual frame of the socio-constructivist learning environment E-Ling
In this contribution we present an integration of LAMS within a LMS to improve the behaviour of the socio-constructivist learning space E-Ling. The main objective of E-Ling is to work with the students in the “learning to research” skill. LAMS will be very useful when building and managing activity-based scenarios. |
LAMS en una asignatura de la Universidad de Cádiz: La perspectiva de los estudiantes de la asignatura optativa Control de Calidad y Fiabilidad
(LAMS in a Cadiz University subject: the “Quality and Reliability Control” elective subject students’ point of view)
Álvaro León Rodriguez, Antonio Franscisco Martín Romero, Rafael Amigueti Camerino, Francisco Javier Santacruz Lope-Cepero Luis Miguel Marín Techera & Antonio Gámez Mellado, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
Hablaremos de nuestras experiencias como alumnos en el diseño de objetos SCORM con la herramienta LAMS y nuestras impresiones. Así, intentaremos que los profesores conozcan un poco mejor la visión del alumnado. La cual permitirá a la hora de esquematizar una asignatura un enfoque más claro y el seguimiento de unos pasos concretos.
Hemos realizado las secuencias de aprendizaje de varias lecciones de la asignatura CCF que se divide en dos partes, Control de Calidad y Fiabilidad. Las secuencias diseñadas corresponden a tres temas de Control de Calidad, 2 de Fiabilidad y un manual de instalación de software estadístico utilizado en la asignatura.
Hemos encontrado más utilidades para la herramienta LAMS como la realización de tutoriales paso a paso, monitorización de alumnos, etc.
LAMS in a Cadiz University subject: the “Quality and Reliability Control” elective subject students’ point of view
In this study some students from the course “Quality and Reliability Control” present the results of transferring contents from the program to LAMS sequences. In this presentation we will have the opportunity to be able to listen to the student point of view in their own learning process. |
Diseños de aprendizaje en LAMS y la enseñanza de la mecánica básica
(Learning Designs in LAMS and basic mechanics teaching)
Luis Álvarez-González, Luis Ojeda-Gallegos & Cristian Cifuentes-Salazar, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
El presente artículo muestra una proppuesta en la construcción de diseños de aprendizaje para la
enseñanza de mecánica básica en una facultad de ingeniería. Se presentan los principios básicos del
constructivismo utilizados en los diseños y las reglas utilizadas. Los diseños que se construyen son
una etapa intermedia entre la clase en aula y la experiencia de laboratorio. Se presenta el diseño de
aprendizaje para la enseñanza de fuerzas distribuidas, aunque se construyen adicionalmente diseños
para el análisis de estructuras y, fuerzas en vigas y cables. Los diseños de aprendizaje se
implementan en LAMS, además en Reload LD Editor.
Learning Designs in LAMS and basic mechanics teaching
In this paper we present a constructivist Learning Design- based approach in Basic Mechanics teaching. Our designs are an intermediate stage between face to face class and laboratory practices. They have been implemented in LAMS and Reload LD Editor. |
El uso de Learning Design en colegios australianos
(Using Learning Design in Australian schools)
Debbie Evans, ICT Innovation Centre, Dept of Education & Training, NSW, Australia & Elena de Miguel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Evaluación de la reusabilidad de las secuencias de actividades en LAMS
(Evaluation of the reusability of LAMS activity sequences)
Javier Sanz Rodríguez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid & Juan Manuel Dodero & Mercedes Ruiz Carrerira, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar a priori la capacidad de reutilización de las secuencias de actividades en LAMS. Para determinar la reusabilidad de las secuencias vamos a basarnos en el estudio de su complejidad, ya que cuanto más compleja sea una secuencia más difícil será de mantener, adaptar y reutilizar. Primeramente vamos a determinar qué aspectos de la secuencia de actividades determinan su complejidad, como por ejemplo: el número de actividades, la complejidad de las mismas, las relaciones entre las actividades, el grado de colaboración necesario entre estudiantes, las dependencias con el instructor, la complejidad del flujo de trabajo (múltiples caminos, sincronizaciones, etc.).En una siguiente etapa definiremos las métricas que permiten medir estos aspectos, basándonos en métricas de ingeniería del software y de teoría de grafos, sobre las que realizaremos las adaptaciones necesarias. Algunas métricas usadas son: LOC (líneas de código), complejidad ciclomatica de McCabe, complejidad de Halstead, coeficiente de complejidad de un grafo.Utilizando estas métricas vamos a evaluar varias secuencias disponibles en el repositorio http://lamscommunity.org/lamscentral, obteniendo unos valores que nos proporcionan una idea de su complejidad. En estudios posteriores será necesario validar dichas métricas con los datos reales de reutilización y con evaluaciones realizadas por diseñadores.Finalmente y como conclusión podemos afirmar que la aplicación de ciertas métricas de ingeniería del software y teoría de grafos a las secuencias de actividades de LAMS nos permite estimar su complejidad y tener una medida clara de su capacidad de reutilización. Además esta medida de complejidad será útil en el proceso de rediseño de actividades y se podría añadir a los metadatos de la secuencia, permitiendo identificar secuencias fácilmente reutilizables.
Evaluation of the reusability of LAMS activity sequences
In this study we are to evaluate a priori the reusability of LAMS sequences. In order to do so, we are going to study the sequences’ complexity because it will determine their reusability degree. |
La perspectiva de los estudiantes universitarios sobre la utilidad de LAMS en su proceso de aprendizaje.
(University students’ perspective about using LAMS in their learning process)
Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez & Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruiz, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
En la Universidad de Cádiz se inicia la utilización de LAMS durante el curso 2007/08, gracias a su integración en el Campus Virtual y después de un periodo de análisis llevado a cabo por el Grupo UCA_LAMS.
Los estudiantes que cursan la modalidad semipresencial de la titulación de licenciado en Psicopedagogía, han podido utilizar en repetidas ocasiones esta herramienta en la asignatura de Métodos de Investigación en Educación, impartida durante el primer cuatrimestre del actual curso y desarrollada en gran parte con el apoyo del Campus Virtual.
En esta investigación presentamos un avance de resultados sobre la opinión de los propios estudiantes en torno a la utilización de LAMS en este contexto de aprendizaje universitario. Hasta el momento hemos analizado las aportaciones de 53 participantes, pudiendo atisbarse las primeras conclusiones referidas a sus percepciones globales, las ventajas y dificultades detectadas o si les gustaría utilizar LAMS con más asiduidad.
LAMS in a Cadiz University subject: the “Quality and Reliability Control” elective subject students’ point of view
In this research we present the results of UCA students after using LAMS in a b-learning course: Educative Research Methodologies. |
¿Puede LAMS ayudar a reducir el alto índice de fracaso de los estudiantes de 1° año de Ingeniería
(How can LAMS help reduce the drop out rate with 1st year Engineering students?)
Erick Araya, Carolina Flores & Miguel Valásquez, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
El presente artículo analiza los factores que ocasionan el alto índice de fracaso en los estudiantes que ingresan a las carreras de ingeniería en la Universidad Austral de Chile. Además, expone los elementos que LAMS ofrece, como alternativa a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje tradicional y que podrían, incluso, ser factores de mejoramiento de su autoestima. Finalmente, propone alternativas para que LAMS siga insertándose en los procesos educativos, en particular, aquellos relacionados con las carreras de ingeniería.
How can LAMS help reduce the drop out rate with 1st year engineering students?
In this paper we analyse the causes of the high drop-out rate of engineering students in Austral University of Chile. We are using LAMS as a tool to improve the traditional learning/ teaching processes. |
Usando IMS-LD para diseñar escenarios pedagógicos en Ingeniería Informática
(Using IMS-LD to design pedagogical scenarios in Computing Engineer)
Rocio Garcia Robles, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
El estándar educativo IMS-Learning Design ha sido desarrollado especialmente para dar soporte a la creación de escenarios pedagógicos en enseñanza a distancia. No obstante, existe también un gran interés por utilizar este tipo de estándares pedagógicos en entornos de enseñanza presencial y semi-presencial. Sin embargo, existen una serie de obstáculos que deben ser salvados a la hora de plantear este tipo de soluciones en entornos semi-presenciales, especialmente obstáculos de índole cultural, relacionadas con la usabilidad de herramientas de edición de unidades de aprendizaje que dan soporte al citado estándar, así como el coste en recursos humanos.
En un departamento de los estudios de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla, se han identificado los patrones de enseñanza más habituales (instruccional y aprendizaje basado en problemas) entre las diferentes materias impartidas, y se han planteado con IMS-LD los diseños de las unidades de aprendizaje correspondientes.
El departamento ha llevado a cabo una experiencia piloto basada en el modelo de aprendizaje basado en problemas como via alternativa ofrecida al alumnado para poder realizar las prácticas de laboratorio obligatorias en un entorno semipresencial. En esta experiencia piloto se utilizado IMS-LD para el diseño, y Moodle para la implementación de la experiencia.
Este artículo plantea los resultados hasta el momento presente de esta aproximación pedagógica, así como los retos a los que nos enfrentamos.
Using IMS-LD to design pedagogical scenarios in Computing
In this contribution we present a problem-based learning experience in a b-learning environment. We have used the standard IMS-Learning Design to design the scenarios and Moodle for the implementation. |
Incorporación de Expresiones Matemáticas en Secuencias de Aprendizaje Usando Métodos Alternativos a jsMath
(How to add mathematics expressions in LAMS sequences without using jsMath)
Erick A. Araya, Carolina Flores & Miguel A. Velásquez, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
El presente artículo muestra alternativas a jsMath para la generación de expresiones matemáticas en secuencias de aprendizaje LAMS. JsMath es un paquete de rutinas javascript creado para incluir operaciones matemáticas en páginas web y que LAMS incluye para ser usado en sus módulos. Sin embargo, para los profesores del área matemática que imparten docencia en el Bachillerato en Ciencias de la Ingeniería de la Universidad Austral de Chile, y mediante LAMS desarrollan secuencias de aprendizaje complementarias a sus actividades habituales, no resulta simple usar jsMath. La propuesta, basada en herramientas de fácil uso, permite el desarrollo de expresiones matemáticas en actividades LAMS, típicas de un curso de 1° año de Álgebra.
Panel Session: Los retos de la integración LAMS/Moodle
(Next steps with the LAMS / Moodle integration) |
Abstract |
Keynote 1 : - Stephen Downes
What Learning Design could be
Keynote 2 : - Grainne Conole
Innovative approaches to Learning Design – putting the pedagogy back in
Could a LAMS pedagogical planner be a useful learning design tool for university lecturers?
Leanne Cameron, Macquarie University, Australia
Designing learning for the higher education environment is a complex task: learning materials need to take into account different student ability levels, learning approaches, media and curriculum. Learning Design is a professional discipline in which many of our university lecturers have no formal qualifications. Many lecturers wanting to improve, enrich or experiment with their teaching are often unsure where to begin. This situation might be improved with good guidance, inspiring examples, and supportive tools. It is suggested that pedagogical planners may provide lecturers with a learning design scaffold that guides them through the learning design process so that they might develop effective and pedagogically sound learning designs. This paper reports on the case for pedagogical planners and is the first stage in a major project that will be further developed throughout 2008-9
¿Puede un plan pedagógico en LAMS ser una herramienta de Learning Design útil a nivel universitario?
En esta contribución presentamos los resultados de la primera fase de nuestro proyecto entorno a la planificación pedagógica.
Proponemos que con una buena guía, ejemplos y herramientas de soporte podemos ayudar a los profesores a planificar y organizar sus lecciones con Learning Design.
Awareness of execution in designing in learning activities with LAMS and IMS LD
Juan Manuel Dodero, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain & Jorge Torres, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Learning design languages such as IMS LD and LAMS can be used to describe execution issues of a learning process, but they depict different degrees of expressiveness. This paper classifies the execution issues, explains how these can be described with both languages, and compares them on the basis of LPCEL, a service-based framework that provides a language to describe the composition and execution of learning processes.
Una reflexión en la ejecución del diseño de actividades con LAMS y IMS LD
Lenguajes como IMS LD y LAMS pueden ser usados para describir el proceso educativo pero representan distintos niveles de expresividad. En esta contribución se describen temas de ejecución en los dos lenguajes y se comparan en base a LPCEL. |
Evaluation of combined collaborative and problem-based approach in a web-based distance education course
George Pentaris, Konstantinos Antonis & Petros Lampsas, Technological Educational Institute of Lamia, Greece & Spyros Papadakis, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Technological Educational Institute of Lamia, Greece, an institution that belongs in the technological sector of higher education, provides distance learning opportunities to adults, via LAMS. The curriculum contains 22 online courses mainly in Computer Science, but there are also some interdisciplinary courses. Two learning models were adopted: (a) a more traditional directed learning approach, (b) a more constructivist learning model integrating problem-based with collaborative learning. The former has been applied to the majority of courses whereas the latter to selected courses. Here we present the derived results related to the application of constructivist method on a “E-commerce” course, aimed at presenting basic concepts and technologies for creating an “electronic” store. Our approach was to provide to groups of learners, a virtual “budget” that would be used for the development of their Internet store. The method was organized in stages. Each stage was represented in LAMS as an independent sequence of learning activities using specific purpose tools like shared resources, forum, and chat, submit files and voting. Assessment procedure depicts positive results for the combined method. LAMS tools were in general able to support an educational sequence representing the selected educational method.
La evaluación de un curso de educación a distancia mediante la web basado en un enfoque combinado colaborativo/ resolución de problemas
En este trabajo se presenta cómo el Instituto Tecnológico de Lamia, Grecia, está utilizando LAMS en educación para adultos, especialmente en el curso E-commerce en el que presentan conceptos básicos de informática con el objetivo de crear una tienda online. |
Engaging the millennial learner through a humanist-oriented social approach to learning in first-year teacher education classes: a preliminary case study
Eva Dobozy & Romana Pospisil, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Teaching approaches grounded in constructivist learning theories run counter to the dominant highly structured and lecturer-controlled approaches to learning and teaching in which the lecturer transmits established, accumulated information for students to learn and reproduce, largely through one or two hour lectures followed by practical tutorial exercises. Consequently, university lecturers interested in adopting constructivist approaches to university learning and teaching will have to successfully negotiate a set of challenges that have been described in the professional literature as conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political. In this paper, we briefly explore the principles of humanist learning and teaching, as we understand them. This is followed by an illustration of the pedagogical responses to the needs of millennial learners who demand to be active, hands-on, practical, supported by peers, tutors and lecturers on a ‘just-in-time’ basis, and our understanding of effective learning and teaching at university. In particular, we report some preliminary findings from our LAMS pilot with first-year teacher education students. These confirm earlier observations that note that some first-year university students possess the emotional maturity, cognitive and interpersonal skills necessary for student-centred technology-enhanced humanist-constructivist learning and teaching, but others do not.
Implicar al alumno del Nuevo milenio a través de un enfoque orientado a las humanidades en el primer año de los estudios de educación: un estudio preliminar
En este artículo exploramos los principios de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje humanísticos así como las necesidades pedagógicas de los estudiantes actuales, basadas principalmente en enfoques constructivistas. Presentamos, también, los resultados de la utilización de LAMS en una experiencia piloto con los estudiantes de primero de educación. |
From planning learning paths to assessment: Innovations to the practical benefits of Learning Design
Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Ayman Moghneih, Toni Navarrete, Josep Blat, Sandra Gilabert, Patricia Santos & Mar Perez-Sanagustin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
The Interactive Technologies Group is working on several research lines (mainly in the context of the TENCompetence project) aiming at innovating and enhancing the technological support to Learning Design. In particular, GTI is working on three main topics: planning learning paths, flexibility in the enactment of learning designs and innovative forms of assessment. With the explosion of educational offers, keeping track and planning learning paths has become a real challenge. GTI’s approach to tackle this problem consists in a tool that visualizes educational units and enables the exploration of large datasets. It considers three levels of interaction (overview, planning, close up) with enables the user to converge on proper options. On the other hand, learning paths are composed of educational units which should be designed considering appropriate methodologies. GTI has selected the dialogic learning approach to study flexibility issues. This methodology entails that the learners are able to participate in the (on-going) design of the units. This situation demands a different approach to the current IMS LD implementations in which editors are not integrated in runtime systems and where the designs need to be planned in advance. To approach this problem GTI has developed an LD template (based on dialogic learning) that can be directly integrated in runtime systems. Moreover, IMS LD can be jointly used with IMS QTI to incorporate test-based assessment. GTI has extended the existing support for enacting QTI tests and is currently integrating this support into an LD system. Furthermore and with the aim of providing new forms of interaction beyond those provided by QTI, GTI has proposed to integrate Web 2.0 services with QTI items. As a first example, GTI has developed a QTI assessment engine enhanced with web maps from Google Maps, which enables the user to interact with the map to answer questions.
Del Diseño de Recorridos de Aprendizaje a su Evaluación: Innovaciones en los beneficios prácticos del Learning Design
El grupo de investigación Tecnologías Interactivas de la universidad Pompeu Fabra está trabajando en varias líneas de investigación orientada a apoyar individuos, grupos y organizaciones en formación continua. |
Integrating generic services in GRAIL, the Learning Design Run-Time environment in .LRN
Abelardo Pardo & Carlos Delgado Kloos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
The recent trend to include a wider variety of technologically supported learning services in a learning experience has led to an increase in the complexity of both the production and deployment phases. Learning Design has been conceived as a formalism to capture the widest variety of pedagogical strategies. Lately, there have been several tools that provided support for both editing and interpreting a so called Unit of Learning (UoL). This paper focuses in the interpretation of a previously created Unit of Learning using Learning Design. The interpretation is provided completely embedded in .LRN an open-source, industry-class Learning Management System.
La Integración de servicios genéricos en GRAIL y entornos de Learning Design en .LRN
Este artículo se centra en la interpretación de una unidad de aprendizaje creada con Learning Design. Esta interpretación se presenta completamente integrada en .LRN. |
Using LAMS to facilitate an effective blended learning project at University of Szczecin
Adam Stecyk, University of Szczecin, Poland
Developing an elearning project is a complex, time-consuming, and expensive task, but it is also a key to create new ways of communication and collaboration in higher education. University of Szczecin had a little experience with elearning in the past, but with polish version of LAMS, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services starts a new chapter in online studies. LAMS represents a new generation of open, free elearning tools for designing and delivering sequences of collaborative learning activities. It becomes a great solution for everyone, who is either at the beginning of the elearning way or has a great experience with online training. The paper documents how LAMS facilitated the development of blended learning courses at the University of Szczecin, and shows the evolution of elearning in Poland.
Estudio de la eficiencia del proyecto LAMS WZIEU
En este estudio se presentan los resultados del proyecto LAMS WZIEW desde 2006, cuando se estableció contacto con la Universidad de Macquarie. Los resultados son muy positivos en cuanto al uso de las herramientas de intercambio de información y comunicación así como el uso de los estudiantes de las animaciones. LAMS se convierte en una muy buena alternativa a las soluciones comerciales que encontramos en estos momentos. |
Engaging pedagogy using LAMS
Debbie Evans, ICT Innovation Centre, Dept of Education & Training, NSW, Australia
Understanding the potential of learning design to support university teachers’ design processes
Sue Bennett, Shirley Agostinho, Lori Lockyer, Rob Koper & Barry Harper, University of Wollongong, Australia
The ‘learning design’ concept encompasses a range of approaches that seek to represent teaching and learning experiences in a standardised way to allow designs to be disseminated to others. Although these approaches share some common underlying assumptions, they are motivated by quite different aims. Some aim to standardise instructional design specifications in the form of a design language or notation. Others seek to develop standardised procedures that enable designs to be more accurately translated into code by programmers. A further distinct strand of learning design research is investigating means by which teachers can document and communicate their designs to support teaching practice. Reusability is an essential characteristic of this approach, requiring that a learning design be both understandable and adaptable. Thus rather than the design being an exact reproduction, emphasis is placed on retention of the underlying design principles.
Although designing learning experiences is part of everyday teaching practice, the work of the teacher as designer is poorly understood and under-researched. For this reason teachers are often considered ‘non-expert’ designers, because they lack the professional design training many instructional designers receive. Rather than diminish the work of teachers, this distinction recognises the particular requirements of a learning design approach that caters for the needs of this group. However, these needs have rarely been explicated, giving rise to confusion about the learning design approach.
In this paper the authors clarify the notion of the learning design as a potential approach to supporting teaching practice. They present the conceptual basis for the learning design approach currently being explored in a major Australian research study and present a simple but systematic approach to describe teaching and learning experiences using a formalism that is readily understood by university teachers. The complementary relationship between this formalism and international standards, such as IMS-LD, is also explained.
El potencial de Learning Design como apoyo a los procesos de diseño de los profesores universitarios
El concepto de Learning Design engloba una gran cantidad de enfoques que buscan estandarizar las experiencias de aprendizaje y enseñanza. Algunos de estos enfoques están orientados a estandarizar el lenguaje, otros los procesos. Uno de los enfoques de investigación en Learning Design se centra en la manera en la que los profesores documentan y comunican sus diseños para la práctica educativa. En este punto es fundamental tratar la reusabilidad de los diseños.
to be announced
A learning framework for facilitating organizational change and continuous improvement programs
Liam Brown & Eamonn Murphy, University of Limerick, Ireland & Vincent Wade, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
A strategic /framework will be described as to how Technology Enhanced Learning (eLearning) can be deployed as an effective mechanism to facilitate and support continuous improvement and change management programmes within organisations. The framework supports the current drive in education to move from tutor centred approaches to learner centred approaches. The framework also takes the relevant pedagogical and technological considerations into account. Implications for the design of future programmes are posited based on feedback form the current programmes.
The practical aspects of the project began with a comprehensive survey of in excess of 100 European SMEs on their attitudes towards and take up of eLearning and continuous improvement methodologies.
This was followed by the development and deployment of a suite of interactive standalone eLearning courses (SCORM compliant) in the continuous improvement arena, more specifically in “Lean Thinking” Tools and techniques. Course development and implementation was conducted in conjunction with a selected number of high-technology large multinational corporations and progressive SMEs. A comparison of these large and small organisations was conducted using both survey and interview instruments and a series of recommendations ensued. What emerged from this phase of the research was the importance of a blended approach to the courseware, accreditation and the requirement for some form of higher level qualification underlying the learning material.
The next phase of the project focused on the development and academic approval of an online/distance education Diploma and an MSc in Quality Management: Lean Systems. The programme is deployed using MOODLE. Evaluation has been conducted with 3 consecutive cohorts of students from industry over a 2 year period. Evaluation results have been incorporated into the framework and design guidelines for future iterations of these and other programmes are presented.
Un marco de aprendizaje para facilitar cambios de organización y programas de mejora
En este artículo presentamos un marco para investigar cómo el e-learning se puede utilizar como un mecanismo efectivo para facilitar y dar soporte a programas de mejora continua en organizaciones. |
An Overview of the CETIS Support project for the Design For Learning Programme
Sheila McNeill
Outcomes from the JISC Design for Learning Programme
Sarah Knight, Programme Manager, JISC e-Learning Programme
The JISC Design for Learning programme ran from 2006 to 2008, assisting practitioners in the processes of designing, planning and managing learning activities, and promoting the development and implementation of tools and standards to support these processes. Two projects were funded to develop educational planning tools , to help practitioners make sound decisions in the planning of learning sessions and programmes. Other projects have developed tools and approaches to support design of learning activities, for example in systems such as LAMS and ReLoad/ReCourse, or using Generative Learning Objects, or have developed designs to support a particular vision of the curriculum, or have shared designs of various kinds to support more effective practice.
Our understanding of pedagogic design continues to evolve as the Design for Learning projects put their ideas into practice, whether that means developing tools, putting systems to work in real learning contexts, or building and sharing designs. One way in which our understanding has changed is that ‘technology’ has come to permeate the process of ‘design’ as well as the process of learning that is the real purpose of design. As a result, we no longer think only in terms of how to design learning opportunities that involve the use of technology, or even how learning opportunities can be designed to afford learners flexibility in the technologies they use – though these remain important goals. Rather, we also think in terms of how technology can transform the design process as a whole, a process that requires significant institutional investment, and is arguably the most direct means by which an institution enacts its educational purpose and vision.
This session will focus on the lessons learnt from the Design for Learning Programme and discuss the significance of these outcomes for those involved in managing, delivering and supporting learning.
Resultados del programa JISC Design for Learning
En esta contribución exponemos los resultados del programa JISC DEsign for Learning que lleva funcionando desde el año 2006. Los objetivos de este programa se centran en ayudar en el proceso de diseño, planificación y control de actividades de aprendizaje, así como la promoción e implementación de herramientas y estándares para apoyar estos procesos. |
to be announced
Do accountants tell it how it is? Do marketers like to solve open ended problems? A comparative reflection on learning design
Matt Bamber & Kath Mutter, University of Wales, Newport, UK
The study addresses the issue of cross disciplinary approaches to postgraduate professional learning design. The study asks whether learning design effects success, where success is measured in terms of pass rates and student feedback.
¿Los contables explican hechos? ¿A los de marketing les gusta resolver problemas? Una reflexión comparativa con Learning Design
Este estudio hace referencia a los enfoques interdisciplinarios en el uso de Learning Design en educación profesional. El estudio se pregunta si los efectos del Learning Design son positivos y si se miden en términos de estudiantes aprobados. |
Engaging Generation Google with LAMS
Debbie Evans, ICT Innovation Centre, Dept of Education & Training, NSW, Australia
CompendiumLD – a tool for effective, efficient and creative learning design
Andrew Brasher, Gráinne Conole, Simon Cross, Martin Weller, Juliette White & Paul Clark, The Open University, UK
Developers and teachers go through a complex decision making process when designing new learning activities – working towards an effective pedagogical mix, combining resources, tools, student and tutor support. This paper describes CompendiumLD, a prototype tool we have built to support practitioners through the process of designing learning activities. We describe how the tool fits into our vision of a dynamic, interactive set of resources and system tools to support effective, efficient and creative learning design. It describes CompendiumLD's features and explain the rationale behind their development. It shows how the tool is intended to aid designers make choices, and plan developments, facilitating creativity and efficiency in the design process. In our conclusions we consider how such a system can support the design of effective learning activities.
CompendiumLD- una herramienta para la creación de Learning Designs efectivos y eficientes
Este estudio describe la herramienta CompendiumLD, una herramienta que ayuda en el diseño de actividades de aprendizaje. Esta herramienta ayuda a los diseñadores elegir y desarrollar sus diseños, facilitando la creatividad y la eficiencia en este proceso. |
Practical experiences of reusing LAMS pedagogical templates
Lorenzo Sommaruga, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland, Nadia Catenazzi, Labi-Varese, Italy & K. De Angelis, Training 2000, Italy
The paper presents two experiences of use of LAMS in different domains and delivery
modes. The first one concerns the development of training courses in the field of waste
management. The second deals with the creation of a Bachelor course in the ICT domain.
One of the goals of this study is to investigate the re-usability of pedagogical templates.
According to our experience, pedagogical templates can represent a model that can be
applied to a different domain, but the process is not direct and immediate. A general
suggestion for template developers is to try to be as generic as possible in pedagogical
template definition in order to minimize adaptations and changes for further uses.
Another issue that was analyzed in this paper is the conversion of a traditional into a
blended learning course. In this process the main difficulty is the effort required to
conceptualize the teaching process in terms of sequences of learning activities. The LAMS
authoring environment has demonstrated to be a valuable tool to support this process. In
addition, the conversion process is useful to improve and enrich the course with new, not
originally included, didactic resources and activities.
Experiencias prácticas en la reutilización de plantillas LAMS
Esta contribución presenta dos experiencias de utilización de LAMS en diferentes campos. La primera se centra en el desarrollo de cursos en el campo de Gestión de Recursos, mientras que la segunda hace referencia al campo de las TIC. Uno de los objetivos de este estudio es estudiar la reusabilidad de las plantillas pedagógicas. Otro de los objetivos ha sido el análisis de la conversión de un curso presencial tradicional a mixto. |
Web-scenarios – building on reality and supporting the problem-based learning structure at an undergraduate medical programme
Hakan Hanberger, Anne-Christine Persson & Bjorn Bergdahl, Linkoping University, Sweden
Design: EDIT (Educational Development using Information Technology) is a tool to produce and present web-scenarios for problem based learning (PBL). They were introduced in 2001, and is now implemented in all terms, usually two per week and in fixed order.
The medical programme has access to 10-12 group rooms equipped with computer, projector and white board. A total of 170 scenarios are presently used. They are chosen to reflect common symptoms, health problems and concepts related to basic science. Most scenarios represent patient cases, but some examine social and population problems. Patient cases vary according to age, sex, and background. Scenarios contain hypertext, diagnostic material, pictures, video films, etc. Multimedia materials are used to enhance realism, stimulate the senses and evoke feelings. Triggers should function to advance questions, not provide answers. The scenarios are available from any computer (password protected). Web-scenarios should not be viewed simply as a learning resource. Links to learning materials are not given. Students can send queries via the EDIT-system, which can be answered by E-mail or at a resource lecture. A database of scenario components has been built up available for all programmes at FHS.
Analysis: The introduction and use of web-based scenarios has been highly successful and EDIT has become an integral part of the medical curriculum. Both students and teachers appreciate EDIT scenarios as being much more stimulating than the former “paper cases”. They are public within the faculty and can easily be revised. The very process of creating new scenarios has highlighted the importance of scenarios in PBL and has heavily influenced the organisation of other semester-associated learning activities.
Escenarios Web- construir una realidad para apoyar una estructura de resolución de problemas en un programa de medicina
En este artículo presentamos la herramienta Design: EDIT, una herramienta diseñada para producir y presentar escenarios web en aprendizajes basados en la resolución de problemas. Esta herramienta ha sido probada con estudiantes de medicina. |
Using LAMS to Visualise Learning Design with Pre-Service Teachers
Leanne Cameron, Macquarie University, Australia
For six consecutive semesters, the Teacher Education Program at Macquarie University has been using LAMS as a scaffold for lesson planning with pre-service teachers. The value of a lesson plan as an organisational tool is highly regarded by many teacher educators but from a pre-service teacher’s point of view, it often produces little more than “documentation”. Hence their reluctance to undertake them. The graphic interface of LAMS allows students and their tutors to visualise lessons providing an instant “picture” of the lesson and its content with a clarity not available in traditional written lesson plans. Using colour-coded activity icons, the pre-service teachers can instantly see how their lesson might address the varity of students' learning styles. Additionally, the LAMS lesson plan produces an instant online lesson. Throughout the process of authoring a sequence, pre-service teachers are required to think about all aspects of their lesson. LAMS also enables them to experience the lesson themselves from their students’ perspective via a Preview mode before using it in the classroom. In addition, LAMS creates these lessons in a standardised template of activities that can easily be modified for future re-use.
Utilizar LAMS para visualizar Learning Design con futuros profesores
Durante seis semestres consecutivos el programa de Educación de Profesores en la universidad de Macquarie ha utilizado LAMS para organizar unidades didácticas.
En esta contrubución presentamos el trabajo de estos seis meses
Mapping a landscape of Learning Design: Identifying key trends in current practice at the Open University
Simon Cross, Gráinne Conole, Paul Clark, Andrew Brasher & Martin Weller, The Open University, UK
The object of this paper is to present some early analysis of interview and focus group data about how existing teacher educators at The Open University (UK) approach, understand, and deploy learning design and the additional support and tools they would find helpful. This represents a component of a broader institutional project that seeks to develop a learning design tool for the support and promotion of learning design and to better define the current landscape of learning design across the university by charting existing experience and methodology.
This study is interested in design as both an individual and collective process; thereby reflecting the need to move forward the definition of the learning design challenges faced by both individuals and organisations. Such work holds interest for all developers and users of learning design tools, whatever the design interface used.
Twelve semi-structured interviews and four focus groups/workshops were conducted with University staff. The views expressed in the interviews reveal ‘learning design’ as a term with multiple, complex and sometimes competing roles and meanings. This paper will examine evidence for these conceptions and operations through a discussion of some issues emerging from the interviews.
Planificar el Learning Design: la identificación de las tendencias actuales en la Open University
El objetivo de esta contribución es presentar los resultados de entrevistas realizadas a profesores de la Open University (UK) acerca de cómo entienden y utilizan Learning Design. Estos datos forman parte de un proyecto para desarrollar una herramienta que dé soporte al Learning Design.
Enhancing critical thinking by providing cognitive skill-based question wizards in LAMS activities
Spyros Papadakis, Hellenic Open Univerisity, Greece & Ernie Ghiglione, MELCOE, Australia
In this paper we will present an alternative in which by providing a set of cognitive skill-based wizards to teachers, we can enhance their attempts to design appropriate lesson plans for special purpose (e.g. adult education, a subject matter) and encourage the development of cognitive skills in learners.
While LAMS has proven to be an easy and intuitive interface for teachers and learner, the authoring of learning activities to create cohesive digital lesson plans can be intimidating.
Currently LAMS provides about 16 different learning activities that teachers can use to create their lesson plans. These learning activities, in most cases, are specific purpose tools like Forums, Chats, Multiple-Choice Questionnaires, Q&A, etc. While a lot of effort has been put to simplify, better organize and provide functional help for the activities interfaces, currently LAMS does not provide support or assistance for teachers on how they create better teaching activities for learners.
Previous research shows that representing learning design practice and providing appropriate support for learning designers is difficult. By using a cognitive skill-based wizard we hope to overcome some of these issues. Our goal is to develop a guided approach and to instantiate the knowledge base to allow more specific advice. These wizards would be combined with a series of learning design templates focusing on a core set of different approaches to lesson plans.
While providing functional help or assistance on how a particular activity is helpful to understand how the activity works, we believe that providing assistance for teacher on how they can create better educational activities that develop critical thinking in learners is critical to achieve good teaching practices and learning outcomes.
Thus, we present an implementation on how cognitive skill-based question wizards can assist teachers to create better assessment activities in LAMS.
Mejorar el pensamiento crítico gracias a una guía basada en destrezas cognitivas para actividades en LAMS
En este trabajo presentamos una alternativa a los profesores en la que ofrecemos una serie de asistentes basados en destrezas cognitivas. Gracias a estos asistentes podemos mejorar el diseño de lecciones en casos específicos (como la educación para adultos) y fomentar el desarrollo de estas destrezas en los estudiantes.
Teaching of human liver anatomy with learning designs
Luis Alarez-Gonzalez, Sergio Trivinos-Villanueva, Sandra Bucarey-Arriagada, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
This paper presents a collaborative learning design in the area of human anatomy, including the
liver, where they have been used educational standard and methods necessary to create quality and
interoperability learning design and educational resources following the actual educational
tendencies. The Instituto Humana has been responsible for designing and
implementing the aim of learning about the human liver (with macromedia flash), while the
Instituto de Informática addressed manage and process that pedagogical resources, integrating a
software specialist (LAMS and Moodle) for the design and management of learning. LAMS was
used to create learning activities based on design learning, and integrated into Moodle, as part of a
course for students of Medicine.
Enseñar la anatomía del hígado humano con Learning Design
Este artículo presenta un diseño de aprendizaje colaborativo en el área de la anatomía humana, especialmente en el hígado. Hemos utilizado LAMS integrado con Moodle para crear actividades dentro de un curso para estudiantes de medicina. |
Design of learning sequences for VET community using LAMS Experience from the Leonardo da Vinci project MECCA
Erik Engh, Quality Management Software AS, Oslo, Norway
Through different projects in the period 2005-2008 new pedagogical principles for organizing and delivering in-company skills development have been tested and a new model for delivering more cost- and time-efficient in-company mixed (blended) learning and training has been developed. This model may lead to new synergies for effective and pedagogical inclusion of state of the art high quality real time visual collaboration tools into current training principles.
The basis for this framework has been an innovative train the trainer program facilitating virtual mobility in companies and VET schools, combined with a new pedagogical methodology for the training of the students themselves, named Activity Based Training (ABT).
Mechanical industries still frequently often utilize traditional training methodologies by separating theoretical learning and training, from practical training of skills. In such a pedagogical framework hands on practice follows after the theoretical content descriptions. Activity Based Training (ABT), is closely connected to the practical production activities according to the production path of a predefined structure or product through job orders and job packages. LAMS has been used as a modeling tool for the first ABT courses developed in 2007 and 2008.
Secuencias de Learning Design para la comunidad VET utilizando LAMS para el proyecto MECCA del Leonardo da Vinci
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del proyecto MECCA (Leonardo Da Vinci) en 2007 y 2208. Este proyecto se centra en la creación de una metodología pedagógica llamada Entrenamiento basado en Actividades (Activity Based Training) puesta a cabo en la escuela de Veterinaria e implementada en LAMS. |
Keynote 3 : - James Dalziel
Are we ready for mass adoption of Learning Design?